Temporarily Unavailable
Latest Parish Planning Update - 23 February 2021
Latest Parish Planning Update - 23 February 2021
The Planning Applications below are to be considered by members of the Parish Council Planning Committee via email consultation. This email method for consultation is a temporary measure due to the Corona Virus outbreak. The parish council will advertise this notice on their website.
If any member of the public would like to comment on any of the new applications being considered, please email your comments by to clerk@buxted-pc.gov.uk and also to Wealden District Council by email:planning@wealden.gov.uk
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Declaration of Members personal and prejudicial Interests in respect of items on this agenda |
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The minutes of the Planning Committee held on date 10th March 2020 be approved and will be retrospectively signed as a correct record by the Chairman when the parish council next have a public meeting. |
Planning Applications |
Expiry date for response to WDC: 12th March 2021 Location: KITCHENER'S, FIVE ASH DOWN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3AH Description: A replacement dwelling with a new detached garage Application:WD/2021/0254/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 16th March 2021 Location: HOPES COTTAGE, 43 HURSTWOOD ROAD, BUXTED, TN22 4BB Description: Small rear extension Responses submitted to WDC:
Expiry date for response to WDC: 1st March 2021 Location: COXBROOK, HURSTWOOD ROAD, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED,TN22 4BJ Description: Demolition of garage and detached store. Erection of garage Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: Whilst the parish council did not have any objections to this application, they would respectfully request that WDC consider a condition for the garage to be legally tied to the dwelling so that it cannot be used as separate residential dwelling. (Cllr Cox declared a personal interest as the applicant is known to her and did not comment on this application). Application: WD/2021/0199/F Expiry date for response to WDC: 2nd March 2021 Location: 3 ASHENGATE WAY, FIVE ASH DOWN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3EX Description: Proposed conversion of existing garage to habitable room and replacement of central rooflight to the rear elevation. Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: the parish council do not object to this application, providing that there is private parking for at least two cars maintained within the boundaries of the property, as they are aware that parking is limited in this location.
Expiry date for response to WDC: 3rd March 2021 Location: OLD POPESWOOD COTTAGE, LIMES LANE, BUXTED, TN22 4PB Description: Proposed two-storey rear extension. Response from Buxted Parish Council to WDC: the parish have no objections to this application and ask if WDC can please make the conservation officer aware of this application in view of possible historical value. Applications determined/updated by Wealden District Council
Application:WD/2020/1144/F Description: Conversion of existing bakehouse into habitable accommodation. Two storey addition to main dwelling with first floor terrace and alterations to fenestration. Location: Strawberry Hall, Cobdown Lane, Five Ash Down, Uckfield TN22 3AR Update: Withdrawn Application:WD/2020/2357/F Description: Erect a single storey, mono-pitch, timber, shiplap outbuilding. Location: QUARRY COTTAGE, ROYAL OAK LANE, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED, TN22 4AL Update: Approved Application:WD/2020/2438/F Description: Proposed rear single storey extension Location: SANDROCK COTTAGE, BUDLETTS LANE, COOPERS GREEN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3AE Update: Approved Application:WD/2020/2288/F Description: Proposed single storey rear extension Location: GABLES, FRAMFIELD ROAD, BUXTED, TN22 4PP Update: Approved Application:WD/2020/1770/LB Description: Conversion of existing dairy into accommodation ancillary to the main house Location: THE OLD MAYPOLE FARM, HURSTWOOD ROAD, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED, TN22 4AH Update: Approved Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) - Planning Appeal against Refusal of a Householder Application Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/C1435/D/21/3267649 Appeal Start date: 19 February 2021 Location: QUARRY FARM, ROYAL OAK LANE, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED, TN22 4AL Description: Retrospective application for the erection of a single storey double garage with apex roof. Construction of a hard surface joining existing driveway to garage. Proposed drainage carried out (soakaway) to minimise surface water run-off. Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/C1435/D/21/3267649 Appeal Start date: 19 February 2021 |
Claudine Feltham - clerk to the Parish Council