Nan Tucks Lane - Road Closure - 30th Jan to 1st February 2023


Please be aware that the following works will be carried out:-

U7864 Nan Tucks Lane, Buxted

Temporary Road Closure

From the junction with the U7505 Limes Lane to the junction with the U7403 Pound Green Lane, works are a distance of approximately 116 metres.

30th January 2023 to 1st February 2023

works anticipated to take 3 days to complete.

To allow BT Openreach to carry out apparatus repair works.

Diversion via: - U7505 Limes Lane – U7504 Framfield Road – A272 High Street - Pound Green – U7403 Pound Green Lane and vice versa. ( please see map attached)

Advance warning signs will be placed on site advising of actual date of works

If you need to discuss this further, please contact:

Kelly Traffic Management (on behalf of BT Openreach) on 0247 664 2814