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Local Update from ESCC Councillor Roy Galley - February
Local Update from ESCC Councillor Roy Galley - February
Local Update
February 2021
Cases of Covid 19 continue to fall quite steeply across East Sussex and Wealden.
Over 90% of Care Home residents and staff have been vaccinated. All over 70s will be offered a vaccination by mid-February and over 65s by the end of the month.
The Community Hub continues to operate for those with food or medicine deliveries problems.
A series of Government grants are still available for local businesses and over £45million has been passed on to businesses since the pandemic began. Full details of what is on offer are on the Wealden website.
Council Tax.
East Sussex County Council has now decided to increase Council Tax by 3.5%. This is made up of 2% on basic Council Tax and 1.5% for the Adult Social Care precept. The government has allowed care authorities to levy 3% extra over two years. It could all be levied in one year or spread over two years. East Sussex has decided on the latter course. About 70% of Council Tax goes to fund County services.
The Fire Authority had agreed to a 1.99% increase for the Fire and Rescue Service while Wealden will be freezing tax for 2021/22. We are expecting a hefty increase from the Police and Crime Commissioner.
This increase in the Police precept will, however, be put to good use.
Already 100 more PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) have been recruited across Sussex with 17 new neighbourhood policing sergeants heading up local policing activity.
I have observed more police presence in recent weeks including more speed check activity and hope you have too if you’ve been able to get out and about.
In parts of Wealden Anti Social Behaviour patrols have been having noticeable impact and there has been a successful drugs busting operation.
As ever, overall crime levels are comparatively quite low.
Roy Galley
February 12th 2021.
Your local Councillors. Roy Galley. cllr.roy.galley@eastsussex.gov.uk cllr.roy.galley@wealden.gov.uk 01825 713018 Peter Roundell. cllr.peter.roundell@wealden.gov.uk 01825 722030
Toby Illingworth cllr.toby.illingworth @wealden.gov.uk 01823 732115 |