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Buxted Symphony Orchestra Concert
Buxted Symphony Orchestra Concert
A date for your diary!
On Saturday 26th March at 2.30 pm the Buxted
Symphony Orchestra will be giving its first concert for over two years in St.
Margaret the Queen Church in Buxted Park.
will be on sale at the door - only £10 for adults, with free entry for students
and under 18s. Alternatively, you can purchase your tickets in advance by
emailing Jane Springate at janespringate1@gmail.com
There will be an interval during which
tea/coffee and cakes will be served.
The programme consists of
Butterworth’s “Banks of Green Willow”, Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 24
(performed by the BSO’s talented conductor, Julian Broughton) and
Haydn’s “Clock” Symphony No. 101.
come along and support your local orchestra - a full house would be a
marvellous way of celebrating the long-awaited opportunity to perform live
music once again!