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Planning Applications for Consultation
Planning Applications for Consultation
2nd August 2022
Applications for consideration by Buxted Parish Council via email consultation
Please return any comments to the parish council at clerk@buxted-pc.gov.uk by 5th August 2022
Planning Applications
Application: WD/2022/1176/F Expiry date for comments: 2nd August 2022 Location: BROWN HEATH HOUSE, POUND GREEN, BUXTED, TN22 4PH Description: REPLACEMENT SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION AND PORCH TO THE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY Application: WD/2022/0902/F Expiry date for comments: 28th July 2022 Location: BUXTED C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL, HURSTWOOD ROAD, BUXTED, TN22 4BB Description: REPLACEMENT OF BOUNDARY FENCING & INSTLLATION OF POLE MOUNTED CCTV, POLE MOUNTED LANTER LIGHTS AND BOLLARD LIGHTS. Application: WD/2022/1625/F Expiry date for comments: 18th August 2022 Location: KILN FARM, FOWLEY LANE, HIGH HURSTWOOD, BUXTED,TN22 4BQ Description: demolition of existing building used for domestic storage and replacement with a new dwelling and parking area. |
Applications determined/updated by Wealden District Council Application No.WD/2022/0976/F Description: RAISED PATIO TO PART REPLACE EXISTING DECKING Location: VALLEYSIDE, PARK VIEW, BUXTED, TN22 4LS Decision: approved Application No. WD/2022/0860/F Description: PROPOSED GARAGE CONVERSION AND NEW DETACHED SINGLE GARAGE Location: PIXIE LODGE, MILLWOOD LANE, FIVE ASH DOWN, UCKFIELD, TN22 3AU. Decision: approved.
Appeal Decision - WD/2020/1088 Location: LAND WEST OF FIVE ASH DOWN ROAD, COOPERS GREEN - APP/C1435/W/21/3283533 Appeal allowed and planning permission is granted for the development of land for up to 35 residential dwellings (subject to conditions).
Applications of note being considered by WDC Planning Committee
Wealden District Council Planning Committee Committee meeting date: 21st July 2022 Application: WD/2021/1895/MAO Description: Outline application for the erection of up to 40 dwellings Location: LAND AT COOPERS ROW, FIVE ASH DOWN, TN22 3AN APPROVED