Safer in Sussex Police Survey


Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne has launched a survey asking Sussex residents for their feedback on the policing service they receive.

Now in her fourth term as Sussex PCC, Mrs Bourne is eager to understand residents’ concerns and ideas in order to inform the priorities in her new Police & Crime Plan.

Speaking about the survey, PCC Katy Bourne said: “As your Police & Crime Commissioner since 2012, I've been asking you, as local residents, to tell me what makes you feel safe or unsafe.

“I am elected to be your voice within policing so it is my responsibility to ensure that the Chief Constable is delivering efficient and effective policing across our county.

“As I develop our new Police & Crime Plan, I'd like to know if issues that mattered to you before have changed? Please complete my short survey - I look forward to hearing your thoughts and value your feedback”

The survey can be accessed online and only takes a few minutes to complete. Please follow the following link:

The survey will run until 31st October.