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Sussex Police - Operation Blitz Update 2020-21
Sussex Police - Operation Blitz Update 2020-21
Due to the global pandemic Op Blitz for the last financial year has given us slightly different results then we would have expected during a standard year. Due to officers being deployed to operations around Covid and also other high priority operations. The money provided by the partnership has ensured that officers were available for Op Blitz over every weekend.
Half way through the year we started to include anti-social driving into the direct taskings for Op Blitz. This included the opportunity to run 5 dedicated operations targeting those using the roads in a dangerous and/or anti-social manner.
As part of these operations we were able to secure additional resources from
the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), Neighbourhood Enforcement Team (NET),
Roads Policing Unit (RPU) and the newly formed Specialist Enforcement Unit
(SEU). These 5 dedicated ops have given the following results, with more ops
being planned for this year:-
• 2 arrested for Possession with intent to supply
• 67 vehicle stops
• 4 Section 59 warnings for anti-social driving
• 5 Traffic offence reports (tickets)
• 1 Court summons for a motoring offence
• 2 vehicle seizures and tickets for no insurance
• 2 arrests for drink driving
• 2 investigations for drug offences
Over the past year officers have dealt with the following, whilst patrolling the areas highlighted as being ‘hotspots’:-
• 95 calls to the dedicated Blitz phone
• 23 calls made to the Police switchboard
• 158 people stopped
• 10 alcohol seizures
• 1 person dealt with for drug offences
• 31 vehicles stopped.