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Wealden District Council - Local Plan Update
Wealden District Council - Local Plan Update
Since the Local plan Direction of Travel consultation concluded in January 2021, we have been working to progress a new Local Plan. We have updated Local plan evidence bases (many of which are now published) and we have also progressed many key topic areas of our plan.
The Local Plan is an important document and we have set out from the very start that we wish to progress its production and consultation as quickly as we can. In accordance with our Local Development Scheme (LDS), we were due to consult on a Draft Local Plan in spring 2022. However, there is currently too much uncertainty in relation to plan-making to go out to consultation on a Draft Local Plan at this current time. This includes matters around our housing requirement and the continued lobbying to central Government by Wealden District Councillors and Parish and Town Councillors on housing numbers. It has also recently been announced that a National Planning Policy ‘prospectus’, is due to be published in the near future, which will set out the direction for changes to national policy. We consider it really important to understand these matters ahead of any consultation as these matters will directly affect our Local Plan Strategy and the content of our Plan.
Given the above, we are writing to let you know that the Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation will be reviewed. Once we have considered the nature of planning reform, we will set out an updated timetable via an updated LDS and we will publish this on our website once it has been approved.
Further detail is provided on our Wealden local Plan webpage. If you have any further questions then please contact the Planning Policy team at planningpolicy@wealden.gov.uk
Yours faithfully
Planning Policy Team
Wealden District Council